I know I could loop through the array of DataRows and add them to another DataTable and then use that as the DataSource for a ComboBox. You should first be binding the parent list to the ComboBox by setting the DisplayMember, ValueMember and DataSource. Also we can populate a combo box from a dataset values. I tried to bludgeon it into submission by writing: and got appropriately vulgar results. VB: populating a combobox with values from a table. The VB.Net SqlDataAdapter object allows us to populate Data Tables in a DataSet.

In the Tool Box of our Visual Basic 6 program, kindly drag the combo box control to our newly created form (ComboBoxFrm). Im looking at using the result of DataTable.Select as the DataSource code. Let’s add a form to our project and name it as ComboBoxFrm. They are different from the text boxes as text boxes used to contain only text.
I think Mitja shows the right code here, but it seems you need the VB.net edition, so please take a look at this code snippet: Private Sub ComboxBoxDataGridView_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase. Open your visual basic 6 program and create a new project, select Standard EXE. Combo Box is the UserForm feature in VBA.